Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Onload to Body Tag in WordPress Genesis

The Genesis framework is a popular choice for WordPress users seeking a robust and customizable theme. One common customization is adding an onload function to the body tag. This allows you to execute JavaScript code when the webpage loads, enabling you to enhance user experience or integrate third-party scripts. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add an onload function to the body tag in WordPress Genesis.

Accessing the Functions.php File


Step 1: Accessing the Functions.php File

To begin, you need to access the functions.php file of your WordPress Genesis child theme. This file contains the functions and hooks that govern the theme’s functionality. It is recommended to create a backup of the original file before making any changes to ensure you can revert if necessary.

Step 2: Enqueueing JavaScript File

To add an onload function, you first need to enqueue your JavaScript file. In the functions.php file, locate the genesis_enqueue_scripts function, which handles the theme’s script enqueuing. Inside this function, add the following code:

function mytheme_enqueue_scripts() {

    wp_enqueue_script( ‘my-script’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/my-script.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘1.0’, true );


add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘mytheme_enqueue_scripts’ );

Replace my script with a unique handle for your script. Ensure that the path to your JavaScript file is correct. If you haven’t already, create a folder named “js” within your child theme’s directory and place your JavaScript file inside it.

Step 3: Creating the JavaScript File

Next, create the JavaScript file that will contain your onload function. In the “js” folder of your child theme’s directory, create a new file named “my-script.js” (or the name you specified in Step 2). Open the file and add your JavaScript code, which will be executed when the webpage loads. For example:

jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {

    // Your onload JavaScript code goes here

    // For example: alert( ‘Welcome to my website!’ );


You can customize the code within the jQuery( document ).ready() function to suit your needs. This is where you can add interactions, modify elements, or integrate external scripts.

Step 4: Adding Onload Function to Body Tag

To add the onload function to the body tag, locate the genesis_attr_body filter in the functions.php file. This filter allows you to modify the attributes of the body tag. Add the following code within the filter function:

function mytheme_add_onload( $attributes ) {

    $attributes[‘onload’] = ‘myOnloadFunction()’;

    return $attributes;


add_filter( ‘genesis_attr_body’, ‘mytheme_add_onload’ );

Replace myOnloadFunction with the name of the JavaScript function that you defined in the my-script.js file. This code appends the onload attribute to the body tag, specifying the function to be executed when the webpage loads.

Step 5: Save and Test

Save the changes you made to the functions.php and my-script.js files. Ensure that you have uploaded the JavaScript file to the correct directory within your child theme. Then, refresh your website and inspect the page source code. You should see the onload attribute added to the body tag with the specified function name.

Customizing the body tag’s onload function in WordPress Genesis allows you to execute JavaScript code when your webpage loads, offering endless possibilities for enhancing user experience and integrating third-party scripts. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily add an onload function to the body tag and unleash the full potential of your WordPress Genesis child theme.